Don't Sugarcoat Diabetes

People with diabetes have high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels because of problems producing or using insulin. Insulin is a hormone our bodies need to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy for daily life. When diabetes is managed well, people can live long, healthy lives.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults. In Type 1, the body does not produce insulin. Only 5 percent of people with diabetes have this form of the disease. With the help of insulin therapy and other treatments, even young children with Type 1 diabetes can learn to manage their conditions and lead active lives.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form. In Type 2, the body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. At first, the pancreas produces extra insulin to make up for it. But over time, it won’t be able to make enough insulin to keep blood glucose at normal levels.

You can prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes through a healthy lifestyle. Change your diet, increase your physical activity, maintain a healthy weight ... these positive steps can help you stay healthier longer and reduce your risk of diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

During pregnancy – usually around the 24th week – many women develop gestational diabetes. A diagnosis of gestational diabetes doesn't mean that you had diabetes before you conceived or that you will have diabetes after giving birth. But it's important to follow your doctor's advice regarding blood glucose levels while you're planning your pregnancy so you and your baby both remain healthy.


Early detection and treatment of diabetes can decrease the risk of developing complications. Some people with Type 2 diabetes have symptoms so mild that they go unnoticed, but here are some common symptoms:

  • Urinating often
  • Feeling very thirsty
  • Feeling very hungry, even though you are eating normally
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Blurry vision
  • Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
  • Weight loss, even though you are eating more (Type 1)
  • Tingling, pain or numbness in the hands or feet (Type 2)