Healthy Education Archive

Where Should You Go When You’re Hurt?

It could save you time and money.

Heart & Soul

A woman must stay healthy in body and mind.

Don't Be Couch Potatoes!

Get the Whole Family Up And Moving!

Have you scheduled your colonoscopy?

Starting at age 50, you should have a colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer.


Reducing stress is good for your heart.

Listen Up - Get an A1C Test!

Millions of adults haven't gotten the message. A1C testing can diagnose and monitor diabetes.

Focus on the Fundamentals of Diabetes care

The A1C test is an essential part of managing diabetes because it shows how well your diabetes care plan is working.

Good Health is Your Superpower

The key to staying healthy begins with you.

Take My Breath Away

Invisible particles can have visible effects for those with breathing issues.

Don't Let the Flu Catch You!

The CDC recommends annual flu shots for everyone age 6 months or older.

Know Where to Go

It could save you time and money.

Switching Isn’t Quitting

Originally marketed as a safe alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes, most e-cigarettes contain nicotine and other harmful chemicals. The long-term effects of e-cigarettes are still unknown.

Breast Cancer Awareness

Remember that awareness must come with action. Learn the risk factors and recommended steps for early detection of breast cancer — then spread the word! Through education and communication, we can all fight back.

Be a Quitter!

Everyone loves a quitter — when it comes to quitting tobacco! On Nov. 21, millions will take the first step toward a tobacco-free life by participating in The Great American Smokeout. Learn more about this event and get other tips for quitting.

Don't Sugarcoat It

Understanding diabetes is the first step to learning how to manage it. Here you can find information on the different types of diabetes, symptoms and prevention tips.

Women's Health

Women can seem unstoppable. They have the supernatural ability to take care of everyone and everything without breaking stride. That’s why it’s so important for women to make time to focus on their own health.

Listen to Your Heart

Ask your heart how it’s doing — you might be surprised by what it has to say! Get started by checking your blood pressure and learning ways to control it.

Colon Cancer Awareness

March is Colon Cancer Awareness month — so put your bottom at the top of your list! With regular screening, this disease can be detected at an early, more treatable stage or prevented altogether.

Stroll, Strut, Shuffle or Skip. Just Don’t Sit!

The first step toward a healthier life is actually, a step. Walking is one of the most effective forms of exercise. If you can incorporate a few extra steps into your daily routine, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Allergies Are Nothing to Sneeze at

Unfortunately, They’re a Part of Life. But Allergies Are Nothing to Sneeze at.

It’s What’s on the Outside That Counts

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in his or her lifetime. This statistic can change if we understand personal risk factors and follow guidelines for early detection.

It’s Not Magic. It’s Management.

Feeling lost about weight loss? Here’s the big secret — weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you eat. To manage your weight, you need to develop an action plan that incorporates physical activity, healthy eating and behavioral changes.

Unplug. And Connect Your Child to a Healthy Lifestyle.

Watching TV, surfing the Internet or playing a video game can’t replace physical activity or human interaction. For children to be as healthy as possible, families need to unplug and reconnect.

Even the Toughest Machines Depend on Regular Maintenance

Preventive care is important to men’s health. In other words, if you’re going to keep firing on all cylinders, you need to stop for regular tune-ups!

Get Defensive About Breast Cancer

This October, get defensive! In the fight against breast cancer, early detection is the best defense. Know your risks. Know the symptoms. And no excuses about scheduling your screening!

It’s Time to End Your Unhealthy Relationship with Tobacco

Tobacco takes a toll on your health and the dollars from your wallet. So, why have you convinced yourself that you can’t live without it? You’re better than tobacco and it’s time to end your unhealthy relationship!

Get to Know Diabetes

You know the term. But how well do you understand diabetes? Many of us will be affected by this disease — either personally or through a loved one. So let’s take a minute to get to know diabetes a little better.

Improve Your Life

Nothing can guarantee longevity, but there are things you can do for yourself that will enhance the quality of your life.

Keys to a Happy Heart

Your heart beats more than 100,000 times a day. That’s hard work. Returning the favor with exercise, good nutrition and proper health care can keep your heart going strong.

Save the Music

If you want to play the harmonica, sing a song or just whistle a tune you need healthy lungs. Here’s how to take care of them.

Embrace Life!

Sometimes we all experience symptoms of depression. No one is immune. If you or a loved one show signs of depression, please ask for help.

A Lot to Think About

Keep your child healthy by staying current on immunizations and well-child visits. Your child’s doctor can help you make the most of preventive care.

Get Back to Basics

Whether sitting, standing or sleeping, your back is there for you. Return the favor with correct posture, careful lifting, and good nutrition and exercise. Your back will thank you!

Let’s Get Fresh!

Good oral hygiene is about more than fresh breath.

You Are Not Alone

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you or a loved one is struggling with a behavioral health disorder. The road to recovery is not a solo trip. There is help out there … just ask.

It’s a Dirty World!

Be careful what you touch. Infectious germs are lurking everywhere.

Catch Early and Live On

Being poked and prodded may not be fun, but it could save your life. Ask your doctor if you are due for a recommended cancer screening.

Got Sugar?

Today, diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the U.S. It is also one of the leading causes of death. The good news is Type 2 diabetes can be prevented.

Take Control of Stress

We all face stress in our lives. Learning to recognize and manage it can keep us on the path to happier, healthier lives.

Healthy Aging

No matter how old you are, now is the time to prepare for a long, healthy life with regular exercise, proper nutrition and recommended health screenings.

Live Your Life

There are many misconceptions about mental illness. The good news is that recovery is possible. Getting a diagnosis and following a treatment plan can help.

Bet On Your Heart

Several symptoms of heart failure may go unrecognized. Know the risks — protect your heart.

Start the Conversation

Do not wait for your child to ask you about his or her changing body. Take the lead, and talk to your children about growing up.

Breathe Easier

Your allergies, asthma or COPD can make breathing the hardest thing you do. Know your triggers, see your doctor, take your medications as prescribed and breathe easier.

Are You Exposed?

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. In the U.S. alone, it kills 1 person every 57 minutes.

Say "AHHH"

A healthy mouth is more than just healthy teeth; it’s a portal to a healthy body. Regular dental care reduces your risk for several diseases.

Back on Track

Back pain is the second most common reason people go to the doctor. Straighten up for a better you.

Avoid the Flu

Along with an annual flu shot, thorough hand-washing is one of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of getting the flu this season.

Don’t Hit The Panic Button!

Panic attacks are no laughing matter. They can be both terrifying and debilitating. If you or someone you love has experienced panic attacks, discuss it with your health care professional.

Find Your Happy Place

Everyone gets stressed from time to time. But there are ways to deal with it.